A lovely Neighbour

Created by Jody one year ago

Ann, where do I begin?

From the day we moved in, you were kind. A knock on the door that afternoon, with teabags and milk for us. A cup of tea was always the answer.

When we had our two children, you lovingly made cardigans and blankets.

If you saw somone strange by my car, or even if my car had stayed in the same place for a week or two, you would check in on me and make sure all was ok.

In lockdown, chats over the fence and grocery shops kept things relatively normal for us, in a world of anxiety we felt safe knowing we were next door to each other. Thursday night claps for the NHS at the front door made you smile, seeing our little William brightened your world, not being able to see your own family in that scary time.

After lockdown, i enjoyed coming in to your house for a chat. It was like all my worries were left at the front door, you put me at ease about whatever was on my mind, as we talked things through.

Thank you for everything, but mainly, just being YOU.

I hope I see you again one day and we can reminisce together, about this life we both once lived. 

I miss you already and it hurts my heart that its permanent that your not coming home this time.

See you again one day.

Lots of love


